Our Home Original Painting
When I was little, I had a dollhouse that was very special to me. The countless hours I spent weaved magic into it. A genuine life pulsed from the care and attention of a child’s imagination. That home is still in my mind, and I visit it from time to time. Real as any place, I walk around the rooms and I remember how things were, how I was. Who I was. When I love, I pull you into this safe home. In the inches of space between us, there is an entire home. We work to build this house of love together. If I invite you in, help me decorate. Let’s share tea and open the doors to let fresh air flow. Let’s unlock all the rooms, make great use of the kitchen and wash the windows to keep them bright. We take care of each other, we take care of this home.
Watercolor on watercolor paper, 2023
8.5" x 11" rectangle painting in a 10.5" x 13" vintage wood frame sourced in Brooklyn.
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