Meet in Our Dreams Original Painting
I look forward to sleep to be closer to the dream of you. I’ll imagine a thousand ways of being by your side, blissful even to adjust your scarf. I try with all my invisible might to pull you closer, casting out silk threads of hope for you to catch them. My love, grab them and bind us together, pull our hearts across the vast sea of dreaming. I’m so close to you, I can almost hear your yellow laugh through the cloud broth and pink cold space. Your eyes are beacons, lighthouses in the dark dream. You appear. You always appear. I can feel your heartbeat echoing in mine. Hold my hand, hold my heart as we drift together.
Watercolor on watercolor paper, 2023
Two 2.5" x 3.5" rectangle paintings in a platinum folding 2.875" x 3.875" vintage frame sourced in Brooklyn. Mounting hardware on back. (heads up! There's a few scuff marks on the back of this frame.)
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